Episode 32: New Business Owner? Here’s the Business Taxes Cheat Sheet (Episode)


New business owner? I’ve got the ultimate business taxes cheat sheet. Just for you.

It’s no secret that one of the hardest parts of starting your own business is figuring out what taxes you need to pay and when. 

And how. 

And how much. 

The list goes on.

In this episode, I break down that list, how business taxes are different than personal ones, and how the heck to manage it all.


Episode 03: TikTok Terrors That Lied to You

Episode 04: Why Are You Paying More (or less) in Taxes Than You Expected

A Simple Guide to Freelancer Taxes

What every small business owner needs to know about quarterly taxes

How Estimated Quarterly Taxes work

Strategies for dealing with sales tax

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Episode 33: 2023 Recap (first 6 months) of My Year


Episode 31: How I Grow My Team During a Recession