Episode 07: The 3 Things You Are Wasting Your Money On


We’re back with Season 2! After some much-needed time away, I am back and delving right into the real problems businesswomen just like you are facing.

How often do you review your income statement expecting to see substantial profits, only to be surprised by how much you spent? As business owners, we put so much focus on sales and growth, but it’s easy to overlook how much we’re spending in the pursuit of these goals.

In this episode, I tell you about the three areas in your business you are wasting money on and how to cut back expenses while getting the most bang for your buck.


Monthly Checklist

5 Bookkeeping Mistakes Messing Up Your Revenue

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Episode 08: The 3 Factors Product-Based Businesses Need to Consider


Episode 06: Do Not Skip These Monthly Bookkeeping Steps For Your Business